Tuesday, October 12, 2010

day 01-05

30 day blog project 

day 01- a recent picture of you & 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. i used to spell my name jackie instead of yacki because i was ashamed of it.
2. i love the midwest.
3. i wanted to major in art history, but instead chose biochemistry to appease my mom.
4. i did cancer research from the ages of 15 to 18.
5. this is the longest (4 months) i’ve been single since i started dating at age 14.
6. i am one of those people who will leave books unfinished if they can’t sufficiently engage me.
7. i’m confused about my future (medical degree vs. doctorate in biomedical science).
8. i took out a ten year indian visa in 2008 because i was dating an indian guy and his mom told me it was the best deal. this visa will be valid for eight more years, so i need to return at least before i’m 31.
9. i am very attracted to rachel maddow.
10. i sometimes wonder how i’d turn out if my dad didn’t pass away when i was 12.
11. yesterday, in the middle of a patient biopsy, i thought to myself — i love my job.
12. i have an older sister, who is 28, and i don’t think we’re alike at all.
13. i like to write stories when i am very drunk.
14. i love lyrics and (if they’re profound) always find a way to associate them with something or someone.
15. …fifteen things seems like a lot of things to list, so i will leave this one blank.

day 02- the meaning behind your tumblr [blogspot] name
inspired by do make say think's "soul and onward."

day 03- a picture of you and your friends

 olek and kat. brooklyn, sometime july 2010.

day 04- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
the easy one would be smoking, the more private one would be to stop romanticizing people and events.

day 05- a picture of somewhere you’ve been to

 a shiva temple in india with hungry cows.
(don't worry, i fed it prior to taking this picture).

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