Monday, November 1, 2010

i am just going to finish this crappy project

day 26- what you think about your friends?
let's be cliche and call them wonderful. it's the truth. since the summer, i've grown distant from many "friends" and the ones who have stuck by have been drama-free and a ton of fun to be around.

day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge?
because i like projects, too bad this one ended up sucking.

day 28- a picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

october 25, 2009:
being silly in the ct surgery lab

october 30, 2010:
at school being studious at 2am

go ahead, call me a nerd. don't think i've changed much. i guess i'm a bit more dedicated to school? (but still partying just as hard).

day 29- in this past month, what have you learned?
quite a bit on axonal specification (ha!). no, i'm kidding--that'd be a lame answer.
uhm, around mid-october i let go of that desire to be in a relationship, which has made me a lot more independent and happy.

day 30- who are you? 

a female by the name of yacki. yep.

DONE. crappy project.

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