Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Image borrowed from Something Intellectual
Researchers at Harvard and McGill University in Montreal have come up with a drug that can be used to delete bad memories. The drug is called propranolol and will cause a state of selective amnesia in a patient that is given the drug. (Associated Content, 2010)
As I was trying to catch up with my neglected Google Reader, I came across this pretty picture which just so happens to coincide with what I'm learning in my Cell Biology of the Nervous System seminar. A week ago, we started talking about neural plasticity and the enzyme responsible for stabilizing memories. As my professor was talking about the mechanism, I kept smiling and thinking about Eternal Sunshine, when out of nowhere he goes "You know, some movie came out about this a few years ago, a Spot, a Sunshine, something," to which I immediately yelped "Eternal Sunshine!" to which he responded "Yes! That's it. It's impressively accurate."

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